OSCAR BC is a non-profit society that provides support, education and services to ensure that OSCAR continues to thrive as a comprehensive, open source EMR platform. 
  • Our 2024-25 Board of Directors are:
  • Dr. John Yap, President
  • Dr. John G.M. Robertson, Treasurer
  • Dr. Balint Budai, Director
  • Linda Yang, Director
  • Ashley Rahiman, Director
  • Executive Director: Joëlle Mourré

The volunteer OSCAR BC Board of Directors work hard to ensure that the OSCAR community’s interests are represented to government and OSCAR Service Providers. 

The cohesive and collaborative model of OSCAR BC ensures that, going forward, we will address the support, learning and resource needs of BC’s OSCAR users and, ultimately, the healthcare community. 

Our Membership has over 100 active Members, representing more than 200 individual OSCAR EMR Users throughout BC.   We collaborate with OSCAR Users, OSCAR vendors / providers, digital health partners, technical experts and academics throughout Canada.


OSCAR is one of the most widely used EMR’s in BC and the OSCAR movement remains strong.  This made it necessary to create a central structure to support and improve OSCAR for its users and the patients we serve.


OSCAR BC is a not-for-profit organization that was founded in October 2016. The mission of OSCAR BC is to support all Users of OSCAR EMR, founded on the principles of sustaining and enhancing an evolving open source EMR,  through collaboration, transparency and community development.



OSCAR BC harnesses the passion and daily experience of OSCAR users to direct future development. Funds collected, primarily through Membership dues, are used to direct and prioritize future OSCAR-related projects and education.

We provide an array of learning and support resources, including training workshops and events (such as our annual OSCARCON event), webinars and Youtube videos, user manuals and instructions, eForm design and repository,  and advocacy  with government, health authorities and service providers.


OSCAR BC – ACTs to support a high quality, efficient, and innovative OSCAR open source Electronic Medical Record system for the benefit of healthcare professionals and patients.

Download our Strategic Plan

Board Members (1)

We are accepting new Board Members! 

Join our esteemed Board of Directors, and share your expertise and passion to continue building a resilient and collaborative OSCAR EMR community throughout BC and beyond!

The Board of Directors meets (remotely) 10 times per year, and in-person at the Annual General Meeting, typically held at the opening of OSCARCON.  

Interested in joining us?  Download “OSCAR BC Board Member Responsibilities and Assets”, and contact us at info@oscarbc.ca.

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